Home Podcast How to Achieve Your Money Goals This New Year: An Interview with Certified Financial Planner Gary Grewal

How to Achieve Your Money Goals This New Year: An Interview with Certified Financial Planner Gary Grewal

by Melanie

It’s the start of a new year and I know you probably have lots of money goals you’d like to reach this year. So, in today’s episode, I chat with financial planner Gary Grewal about what a Certified Financial Planner is and how one can help you get your financial life in order.

Gary is the author of Financial Fives: The Top 325 Ways to Save, Earn, and Thrive to Retire Before 65. We also chat about how to negotiate, FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) and why he doesn’t agree with RE and so much more.

Being respectful, doing your research, and never ever be in a position where you need them more than they need you can really help you get comfortable with negotiating.” – Gary Grewal

Asking yourself the reason why you want to pursue FIRE, what it’s going to enable you to do and then designing your life around your values and eventually you will get there.” Gary Grewal

We have to enjoy our situation and our money now regardless of where we’re at.” Melanie Lockert

If you’re in a place where your journey to FI is causing you to be sad or depressed then you need to take a pause and determine, how can I make this balance better so I’m motivated to do it and I’m excited to continue on my journey with FI.” Gary Grewal

What You Will Learn From This Episode 

  • What is a CFP and how they help people with their finances
  • When you should seek a CFP’s help and what does the first session looks like 
  • Why negotiate and tips on how to negotiate
  • Things you need to know about FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) and how to avoid being miserable trying to reach it
  • Barista FIRE and Fat FIRE and how to set/figure out your FIRE number
  • What is the 4% withdrawal rule – is it a good rule to follow?
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, you have your own journey
  • Why Gary doesn’t agree with RE (Retire Early)
  • How to find purpose in your money
  • Financial tips for the new year

About Gary Grewal:

Gary Grewal is a CFP and author of Financial Fives: The Top 325 Ways to Save, Earn, and Thrive to Retire Before 65. He started a career in financial planning because he feels that personal finance knowledge can truly change the direction of someone’s life in a drastic, positive manner. He has started two businesses, bought and sold 7 different cars, and negotiated almost everything while becoming more involved with volunteering and philanthropy.


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